Monday, December 31, 2012

NYE 2013: The death of the ego

Warning: This is my (figuratively, actually and contextually) worst NYE blog post thus far in reflection of my worst year.

2012 is not where I want and wanted to be. I tried something completely new. I lived for myself and no one else. It proved to be disastrous.

I’m a murderer, cheater, sloth, and what have you. For the first time, I’ve never felt so flawed, so human!

Thankfully, I'm the nocturnal type whose brain optimally functions in the dark. And so, with all the darkness from 2012, I’ll eventually figure out to shed light onto the New Year.

I'm thankful to have a solid group of buddies and family, as well as resilience. It honestly wasn't all bad doe.

Here are a few things I can look forward to in the next 365 days: A whole new set of seasons, Kony updates, learning discretion, going to prison, science findings, entering the work force, happy hour with a purpose, mental health reformations, L.A. Zine Fest, PI, journeys, old and new friends, projects, happenstance, silvana, macaroons, etc. NU LYF.


Drink water.
Learn discretion.
Quit picking lips.
Stop overthinking.
Stop wearing the same summer dresses.
Don't be self-deprecating, even if jokingly.

Previous NYE posts:
2012 - 2011 -2010

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

November HAM photos are here.

Monday, December 3, 2012