Monday, February 18, 2013

L.A. Zine Fest 2013: Azine Festari

L.A. Zine Fest 2013 @ The Ukrainian Cultural Center in E. Hollywood on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013

Thank you to all who contributed and dropped by Cubtrina + pals at Booth #18! It was a turnt turnout. I got to witness the commencement of a civil union and talk to down-to-earth DIYers, as well as bombard a favorite actor.
More photos and zines PDF uploads along the way.
Our neighbies at Booth 19!
Chuck and Kim union commencement by Lawrence
The Watts fambly displays Elyse's Food-turned celeryties with Tony and Travis
Anton Yelchin No. 1 fatgrl
Booth visitors
Inspired by Bart Simpson

Thursday, February 14, 2013

South Beach, Miami, Florida

South Beach, Miami, Fla. on February 7, 2013

 Sandy P
 To the left
 Florida raisins
 Redbull gives you
 Paddle surfin' U.S.A.
Lots o' yachts
Off shore

Nassau, Bahamas

Nassau, Bahamas on February 8, 2012
She sells seashells
The man who sold the world
Docking flock

Street ballers
Phallacy Pt. II
 Bridge over troubled water
Sanitation engineers
 Fantasia Barrino
Keith Haring's great-greats were from Atlantis
Baby Bahamama
 Goombay Punch
Seagulls vs. stingrays
 Shark dunk tank
Bang, bang my baby shot me down
 Straw mrkt
 Morning dubs
 Cownose Manta Ray
 Parrotfish jetpack

Fat Kat Pt. I

In celebration of Fat Tuesday, here are some food items I consumed and probably only partially digested within four days! As the saying goes, it burns when I po0.