Adam Weiss is the PIC in the pic

K-the-i??? shrieked, "Hey, it's you!" and pointed at me like I'm T-M-Z

Hurrah Sirah, the birthday girl

Check out the hooded chick's eyeball, hubba hubba!

L.A. is so dangerous that Villaraigosa had bunkers constructed
Some people will never get the concept because it takes more than just understanding at times. Before these people's minds can even process a single thought, their thick faces and sordid tongues will present nothing but critical and dysfunctional output. Sorry, this isn't equivalent to critical acclaim; it's being a pretentious have-not who denies his origins of chimp-pansy. (I should ground myself and stop uddering these puns.) In general, some people are born to be instantly part of the general public, and sadly they're always in the way like Waldo's groupies.
It's up to you weed out the dullards from the enriched, unless you accept everything with open arms because you're so above it all!
With that being said, Hipsters Who Love Hip Hop is in no way, self-destructive like its name because it's such an intimate and interactive event. I went for the first time and was welcomed with nothing but what the Jewish like to call kosher.
I remember reading these names and painstakingly laughing: Dr. Dreidel, Jerusalem Da Damaja, Ko$ha, Jewpac.